I have completely changed the focus of my blog. I have not deleted old posts, so there are old unrelated posts. I will be blogging about the food I cook as my husband and I work towards a healthier lifestyle. I will have menus, pictures, recipes and tips on eating healthier. I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Feedback from Last Week

This was a busy week, but what I did cook turned out really well!  I did feel like I had not cooked a lot, though.
Monday:  Papa Johns Pizza, it was ok.  Enough said.
Tuesday:  Curry Chicken, this is seriously one of our favorite dishes and I used less water this time, so it was thicker and that turned out really well!!
Wednesday:  Garlic Shrimp Pasta, this was a lot better than I expected!  It had fresh spinach in it, which I am just now discovering is a wonderful thing!  My husband really liked it as well.
Thursday:  Husband is taking care of dinner.  Guess what we had?  Bertolli!  That's ok, though.  We had the chicken Florentine one I had been avoiding and actually liked it!  Look at me liking spinach!!
Friday:  Italian Chopped Salad, our schedule got busy so we ended up eating out.  I will have to try this another time, though.

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