I have completely changed the focus of my blog. I have not deleted old posts, so there are old unrelated posts. I will be blogging about the food I cook as my husband and I work towards a healthier lifestyle. I will have menus, pictures, recipes and tips on eating healthier. I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Radical Extremist

I posted this on myspace a few days ago and it was actually the e-mail I spoke of which stated the idea that perhaps I should blog, so I thought I should post it here.

http://www.usawakeup.org/ My friend sent the above link to a video. Please click on the link and watch the video then come back and read my blog.

The following was basically my reply. Let me clarify this by saying that I'm not a Democrat-nor am I a Republican. I'm a jaded Independent, considering the Green party :). Oh, and I am totally not trying to ruffle feathers or start an argument or make anyone want to cause me bodily harm. So, if you think you might want to do any of the previous, STOP READING NOW. That's my disclaimer, O.K.

I watched the video and personally was quite disturbed by it, but probably for a few different reasons than why it was sent out. I do like what it said about the rise and fall of democracy and the "lifespan" if you will, of democracy. I believe our forefathers always believed we would be the exception to this phenomenon. Perhaps not, it's not for me to judge. Maybe democracy in this country will prevail; maybe we will have a dictator. Who knows, maybe Jesus will come back before then, anyway and we won't even see the finale.

Along those lines, I have always said, and believe with great conviction, that all great empires fall: Babylon, Egypt, Media and Persia, Greece, Rome. With the exception, of course, of the only kingdom I put my trust in-the Kingdom of God (Dan. 2:44). So, I guess it's the cynic in me that is waiting for our "empire" to fall. I didn't figure "our turn" would be up in my lifetime, but if so, then so be it. I figured the US had at least a few generations left in her. I'm not trying to mock, but I really do believe that it is inevitable and that the only empire that is sustainable is God's Kingdom. Plus, it doesn't belong to us as in the United States, but to us as in Christians (Mark 10:14). So, it doesn't matter where the empire is.

But, more than anything, I believe that everything happens in God's timing. Just as when the Israelites, God's chosen people, were enslaved to the Egyptians (another empire), God was still in control and was able to do amazing things to free his people. Plus, the Egyptians had to pay big time for there hard hearts! God always takes care of His people if we obey Him and put our trust in Him. I also keep thinking about how easy it was for the Israelites to want to go back to the security of Egypt, even though they were slaves and how I know how comfortable I am in my lifestyle and I have to be careful that I always choose God's kingdom over the empire of America.

I was disturbed by the blatant racism in the film. I am just a little sensitive to it, I know. But, a small minority is no excuse for widespread racism. According to the film's statistics, only 10% of US Muslims are Radical Extremists. There has been a huge backlash against Muslim-Americans and even people who just look like they could be Middle Eastern, even if they are not Middle Eastern or Muslim, let alone Radical Muslim Extremists since 9/11/2001. I understand fear. Where does fear come from? Ignorance. But, we have to work together to educate each other about culture so that we don't make racial assumptions and live in fear (sorry, soap box).

This is disturbingly familiar to me, like we are repeating history (Japanese Concentration Camps, Displacing Native Americans, and Taking Africans from there homelands). There is a cool quote by George Santayana that says "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." I like it, because it's not like repeating history is written in stone, but we must study the past to learn from our mistakes so that we don't make those same mistakes. We can't be arrogant and just assume we know what we are doing (or maybe that's just what I do). I mean, the Bible is full of people who made mistakes so we could learn from them.

I think it's also important to remember that many of these people the film speaks of are "legitimate", hardworking Americans, no different than you and I. We are pretty much all descendants of illegal aliens somewhere down the line. Now, I'm not even trying to go there on immigration, I'm just saying sometimes we need to remember that we are a country made of illegals. I'm not denying the problem, or saying "open the borders, let everyone in!" Because I do recognize that some people do work hard to become citizens legally. That is a whole other can of worms!

If you read this, thank you. I hope I didn't make your blood boil too much. I really did think a great deal about what I said and I honestly believe these things wholeheartedly and they are from an educated opinion, not just an emotional reaction. If I have incorrect facts, please correct me, but if you want to convert me to Republicanism, I'm immune, sorry.

**Additional note, a dear friend of mine made some great points I would like to quote because they add a lot to this. "It was definitely enough to cause a weak-minded individual to begin a personal crusade of hate towards Muslims and pass it on to their children." and "However, I must say that in EVERY RELIGION on earth, people have been murdered or persecuted over the radical believer's "duty" to their god." These were a couple of things I hadn't really thought about. I will discuss the first more tomorrow, but the second is so true. People have done unspeakable things in the name of religion and the sad thing is it is the warped version of the religion. Most religions teach peace, not hatred or murder.

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