I have completely changed the focus of my blog. I have not deleted old posts, so there are old unrelated posts. I will be blogging about the food I cook as my husband and I work towards a healthier lifestyle. I will have menus, pictures, recipes and tips on eating healthier. I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


I have decided to join the world of blogging. I love my job, but it is not creative. I work in regulatory compliance and there is no room for creativity. I needed a creative outlet. I also miss writing. I have had writers block for some time now, and while responding to an e-mail discovered that while the poetry well may still be dried up, the essay well is not. So, I have decided to blog. My hope is that people read this and be somehow enlightened, inspired, encouraged or the like. And we may exchange ideas and share in each others enlightenment, inspiration, and encouragement. But, I can't make anyone. So...here goes nothin'! Oh, I guess I should give you a head up on what to expect:
1. It will not be an expose' on my life's happenings, if you want that, just ask me.
2. It may, at times make you angry, happy, sad, etc. That's good-use it! Respond, tell me how you feel. I want this to be give and take. I just ask that you do it with "gentleness and respect", as I promise to do with you. That being said, please refrain from the "your wrong because that's what I think" argument. Feel free to express feelings and opinions and to correct facts, but be sure to distinguish the two.
3. Please remember that I am a Christian and that all of my posts will likely reflect this and I ask that if you respond that your respect this, even if you don't agree with me on this. I will be monitoring the posts and reserve the right to reject any posts that are inapropriate, so don't even try.
4. I love fun, so it won't always be super serious, call to action, change the world stuff (but expect that, too)
5. Please feel free to correct my facts or to chime in if you have a different point of view or cultural perspective as I do love a good debate and love culture. Please don't be critical just to be critical or act like your my English teacher, this isn't for a grade. I would like to reiterate that I'm not going to tell anyone they are wrong because it's against my opinion and I expect the same respect. Express feelings and present facts, but remember that they are very different things.
That being said, please enjoy and join me on this crazy ride!


heybabykg said...
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heybabykg said...

I love, I stole it, and I'm goint to continue commenting to it!